Documents tagged
Design Stadium Evacuation

1. Evacuation of UNL Memorial Stadium Sunil Gyawali & Adrian Lara 2. Introductrivia • Population of Omaha? 408,958 • Population of Lincoln? 258,379 • Population…

Documents Appointment Scheduling in Healthcare

Appointment scheduling in healthcare Alex Kuiper December 9, 2012 Master Thesis Supervisors: prof.dr. Michel Mandjes dr. Benjamin Kemper IBIS UvA Faculty of Economics and…

Science Report Network Modelling

1. Network modelling: Theory and Simulation Zoppi Samuele 202769 Ferro Demetrio 207872 Minetto Alex 211419 2. Network modelling: Theory and Simulation Laboratory 1 Laboratory…

Technology Dopplr: It's made of messages - Matt Biddulph

DOPPLR DOPPLR DOPPLR Where next? Where next? Where next? made of messages matt biddulph Iâm here today to talk to you about an important systems architecture concept that…

Documents Stochastic Simulations

STOCHASTIC SIMULATION,MONTE CARLO METHODS AND APPLICATIONS1 Ion Va˘duva, University of Bucharest, Romania e-mail: [email protected]: [email protected] Key words: Random…


Slide 1 DYNAMIC POWER ALLOCATION AND ROUTING FOR TIME-VARYING WIRELESS NETWORKS Michael J. Neely, Eytan Modiano and Charles E.Rohrs Presented by Ruogu Li Department of Electrical…

Documents MPI – An introduction by Jeroen van Hunen What is MPI and why should we use it? Simple example +.....

Slide 1 MPI – An introduction by Jeroen van Hunen What is MPI and why should we use it? Simple example + some basic MPI functions Other frequently used MPI functions Compiling…

Documents Nick McKeown CS244 Lecture 6 Packet Switches. What you said The very premise of the paper was a bit....

Slide 1 Nick McKeown CS244 Lecture 6 Packet Switches Slide 2 What you said The very premise of the paper was a bit of an eye- opener for me, for previously I had never even…

Documents On Modeling the Lifetime Reliability of Homogeneous Manycore Systems Lin Huang and Qiang Xu CUhk...

Slide 1 On Modeling the Lifetime Reliability of Homogeneous Manycore Systems Lin Huang and Qiang Xu CUhk REliable computing laboratory (CURE) The Chinese University of Hong…

Documents Simulation. Simulation involves using a computer to imitate (simulate) the operation of an entire...

Slide 1 Simulation Slide 2 Simulation involves using a computer to imitate (simulate) the operation of an entire process or system. For example, simulation is frequently…