Documents tagged
Documents Worship Groups and Other Alternatives to “Traditional” Church A conversation about the...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Worship Groups and Other Alternatives to “Traditional” Church A conversation about the revitalization of the Quaker message for today Slide 3 Worship…

Documents Introduction to the Section Presentación de la Sección 2015.

FWCC Section of the Americas Introduction to the Section Presentación de la Sección 2015 April 11 2012 1 La Misión Al responder al llamado de Dios al amor universal,…

Documents Introduction 2014

FWCC Section of the Americas Introduction 2014 April 11 2012 1 Mission Answering God's call to universal love, the Friends World Committee for Consultation brings Friends…

Documents Religion and Trade in Colonial America

PowerPoint Presentation Religion and Trade in Colonial America Please pick up the Unit Test Preview sheet and take the first 5 minutes of class to complete and read it. Work…

Documents Religion and Trade in Colonial America Please pick up the Unit Test Preview sheet and take the first...

PowerPoint Presentation Religion and Trade in Colonial America Please pick up the Unit Test Preview sheet and take the first 5 minutes of class to complete and read it. Work…