Technology UA testing with Selenium and PHPUnit - PHPBenelux Summer BBQ

1. UA  Tes'ng  with Selenium  and  PHPUnit PHPBenelux  Summer  BBQ 2. 2 • PHP  Consultant • President  PHPBenelux • Conference  speaker Michelangelo  van…

Technology UA testing with Selenium and PHPUnit - PFCongres 2013

1. UA  Tes'ng  with Selenium  and  PHPUnit PFCongres  2013  -­‐  Utrecht 2. 2 • PHP  Consultant • President  PHPBenelux • Conference  speaker Michelangelo…

Technology Debugging: Rules & Tools

1.DEBUGGING R U L E S A N D TO O L S ian barber - - @ianbarber 2. I did X I wanted Y Instead I got Z 3. 4. RULE 1 UNDERSTAND…

Technology Debugging: Rules And Tools - PHPTek 11 Version

1.DEBUGGINGR U L E S A N D TO O L Sian barber - - @ianbarber2. I did XI wanted YInstead I got Z 3. 4. RULE 1UNDERSTANDTHE SYSTEM…

Technology Design patterns in PHP

1.Design Patterns in PHP Jason Straughan - Grok Interactive, LLC 2. What are design patterns? Wikipedia says ...a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem…

Technology Acceptance testing with Selenium 2 and PHPUnit

1. Acceptance Testing with Selenium & PHPUnit BULGARIA PHP GROUP 2. Software testing 3. Подходи…

Internet Functional tests with TYPO3

1. 0Nicole Cordes, T3DD15, CPS-IT Mehr Wert im Netz Functional tests with TYPO3 » Introduction » How to start » Running functional tests 2. 1Nicole Cordes, T3DD15, CPS-IT…

Technology UA Testing with Selenium and PHPUnit - ZendCon 2013

1. UA  Tes'ng  with Selenium  and  PHPUnit ZendCon  2013,  Santa  Clara 2. 2 • PHP  Consultant • President  PHPBenelux • Conference  speaker Michelangelo…