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Documents OFFICE OF SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATIONS Texas A&M University Libraries Open Access Publishing and...

Slide 1 OFFICE OF SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATIONS Texas A&M University Libraries Open Access Publishing and Citation Rates: Getting Rewarded by Improving Access to Your Research…

Documents Post-Secondary Education Options

PEO D R A F T D R A F T an institution of higher learning typically offers bachelors degrees through doctorate degrees at an annual tuition rate. Offers learning in a college…

Documents Graduate Student Guide 09-10

S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y O F N E W Y O R K A T F R E D O N I A graduate 2009-2010 O FF ICE O F G RA DUATE STU DIE S Where Success is a Tradition student guide 2 State…

Documents January 2013 - GSO News

The GSO News Inside this Issue 1 Volume 4, Issue 2, Jan 2013 What does the consolidation mean for the COGS? Augusta State University and Georgia Health Sciences University…

Documents Graduate Student Guide 09-10

S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y O F N E W Y O R K A T F R E D O N I A graduate 2009-2010 O FF ICE O F G RA DUATE STU DIE S Where Success is a Tradition student guide 2 State…