Technology's 'Monster' Webinar

1. Page 1Welcome to the ‘Monster’ Webinar 2. Technology in Funeral Service – The Evolution of the Obituary:How to Leverage both to Provide Value-Added Service and Generate…

Technology WeGov updated generic presentation

1. Closing the loop between governments & citizensWeGov updated generic presentation June 2012, Belgium©Gov2uThis project has been funded with support from the European…

Technology COMPISSUES01 - Social Networks and their Propagation

1. +Social Networks Current Issues in Web Technology Michael Heron 2. +Introduction In this lecture, we’re going to talk about the power of social networking. The…

Education Gfh 2011 presentation abrann

1. Assistive Technologies for Breakthrough Teaching and Learning: Finding Room for Games Alise Brann, Research Analyst American Institutes for Research [email_address] 2.…

Business Keith De La Rue - Using Social Media

1. Using social media to harness knowledge within an organisation:Addressing the challenges Keith De La Rue AcKnowledge Consulting Friday, 15 August 2008 2. Outline Understanding…

Business Foursquare by Erik Endress

1. Who am I? Member of Executive Team at NJ School Boards Association, the federation of more than 600 public school districts and charter schools statewide. Director of…

Technology B2B Part III

1. Social Media OpportunitiesInternational Marketing SecretariatInternational Trade and Investment Attraction DivisionMinistry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation 2. AgendaIntroductionsOverview…

Technology Why today’s businesses need enterprise social

1. Work Like aNetwork:Why Today’s BusinessesNeed Enterprise SocialWork Like a Network: Why Today’s Businesses Need Enterprise SocialPublished: September 2014Visit www.enterprisesocial.comfor…

News & Politics Randy Ifra

1. Building the bridgebetween print and digital Randy Covington Director, Ifra Newsplexat the University of South Carolina, USA 2. Newsrooms will be different Ifra Newsplexat…

Technology PIAA Slides

1. Effective Use of Social Media in Health Care Lee Aase Mayo Clinic Center for Social Media November 7, 2013 2. THE Book on Social Media in Health Care • Essays from 30…