Documents tagged
Documents Organizational History of the 200th Through 370th German Infantry-Security and Panzer Grenadier...

200th through 370th German Infantry, Security, and Panzer Grenadier Divisions Organizations and Histories 1939-19451 200th Ersatz Division: Formed on 6/1/40 in Poland as…

Documents Activity 4 assessment task

1. Picture #1 Overseas Service Scales of Pay 1. What is the purpose of this poster? 2. What is main selling point that the poster is using to try and achieve its purpose?…

Documents Issue 3: Behind the front line

42 your family Behind the front line Gallipoli was a marker in the growth of national identity for New Zealand as well as Australia. Mark Webster…

Documents Organizational History of the 1st Through 199th German Infantry-Security and Panzer Grenadier...

Organizational History of the 1st through 199th German Infantry, Security, and Panzer Grenadier Divisions 1939-1945 1st Infantry Division: Mobilized in August 1939 with:…

Documents MAIL CALL March 2013

This Month Marine Corps History 2 March 1867: Jacob Zeilin, Colonel Commandant of the Marine Corps from 30 June 1864, was this date promoted to the rank of Brigadier General…