Health & Medicine Journal club lung cancer screening

1. JOURNAL CLUB Ranjita Pallavi MD and Josef Bautista MD Critical Appraisal of a Guideline 2. THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THORACIC SURGERY Guidelines for Lung Cancer Screening…

Documents Cardiac Arrest CBP (..

1. CBP: Cardiac Arrest 2. Case Presentation   A 55 year old business man collapses at work.This is witnessed by his colleagues who find him pulseless.They initiate CPR and…

Documents Continuity of Care virtual tour HL7-IHE Demonstration HIMSS 2004.

Slide 1Continuity of Care virtual tour HL7-IHE Demonstration HIMSS 2004 Slide 2 Presented by John Madden, MD, PhD, Duke University Medical Center, Department of Pathology…

Health & Medicine Nsclc1

1. Morning Report October 27, 2009 2. Physical Exam Vitals: T 98, BP 117/71, P 62, R20 O2 Sat 98% RA General: alert, oriented, appears tired, but NAD. Skin: no rashes.HEENT:…

Health & Medicine Anwser,s 9

1. Anwser,s Dr :ANAS SAHLE 1. Chest xr cases. 2. Chest clinical case. 3. Chest ct cases.: Sunday, January 06, 2013 2. chest xr cases Dr :anas…

Health & Medicine Anwser,s7

1. Anwser,sDr :ANAS SAHLE 1. Chest xr cases. 2. Chest clinical case. 3. Chest ct cases.4. Collicum exam.: Saturday, December 22, 2012 2.…

Health & Medicine lung cancer What is cancer of the lung?

What is cancer of the lung? Disruption of the system of checks and balances on cell growth results in an uncontrolled division and proliferation of cells that eventually…

Documents Questions

Item 1 [Basic] A 42-year-old woman is evaluated in the emergency department. She has a 2-day history of nonexertional chest pain. The pain is sharp, substernal, and worse…

Documents Nc13 Chest x Ray

2013 Chest X-Ray Interpretation: A Simplified Approach Eugene Orientale, Jr, MD 1 National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students August 1-3, 2013 Kansas…

Documents T HE L UNG N ODULE Rohit Kumar, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Thomas Jefferson University.

Slide 1 T HE L UNG N ODULE Rohit Kumar, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine Thomas Jefferson University Slide 2 O UTLINE Definition Risks of malignancy Approach to diagnosis…