Documents tagged
Documents Coronary Artery Disease

1. TARRSON FAMILY ENDOWED CHAIR IN PERIODONTICS 2. UCLA School of Dentistry 3. Presents Dr. E. Barrie Kenney Professor & Chairman Section of Periodontics 4. Periodontal…

Health & Medicine Systolic anterior motion of mitral valve - SAM

1. Critical Case Conference Gagan Kumar MD 2. HPI • Admitted on 1/26/2011 • 80 Y female – weakness and nausea x 1 day. – Had troponin leak• • • •Ruled out…

Documents Statistical Models: The Rest of the Story Scott L. Zeger Hurley-Dorrier Professor and Chair...

Slide 1Statistical Models: The Rest of the Story Scott L. Zeger Hurley-Dorrier Professor and Chair Department of Biostatistics The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School…

Documents Furnace House Surgery Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Protocol Date: 13 th April 2005 Review.....

Slide 1Furnace House Surgery Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Protocol Date: 13 th April 2005 Review Date: April 2006 Acknowledgement: Sarah Hicks Slide 2 Aims and objectives…

Documents ER CONFERENCE Cacnio * Calimlim * Castillo * Cauilan * Causapin * Chu, D * Chu, H * Co, J * Co, V *....

Slide 1ER CONFERENCE Cacnio * Calimlim * Castillo * Cauilan * Causapin * Chu, D * Chu, H * Co, J * Co, V * Cosico * De Leon Slide 2 General Data  V.N.  69 y/o  Male…

Documents Alonzo.Amaro.Amolenda Anacta.Andal. Beginning Data Male, 45 year old Chief Complain: Severe...

Slide 1Alonzo.Amaro.Amolenda Anacta.Andal Slide 2 Beginning Data  Male, 45 year old  Chief Complain: Severe Abdominal Pain Slide 3 History of Present Illness 3 years…


Slide 1UPPER GI BLEEDING: COLON CANCER GROUP A BGD February 1, 2010 Slide 2 Clinical Manifestations Cecum and ascending colon o May become quite large without resulting in…

Technology Bronchial carcinoma

1. BRONCHIAL CA 2. SCENARIO 55 y/o man, a smoker of 30 pack years presented to GP d/t cough with haemoptysis, chest pain, dyspnoea, and a 6 kg LOW for the past 3 months.…

Health & Medicine Internal medicine

1. Internal Medicine 29 Chapter 4 Internal Medicine EKG, 1945. Courtesy of the Blocker History of Medicine Collection, Moody Medical Library, UTMB, Galveston What’s Inside:…

Health & Medicine Acromegaly santosh dhungana

1. Case discussion/ topic review Moderator-Dr. D R Mishra Presenter- Santosh K Dhungana MD GP JR II 2. case 59/ F presented to ER ◦ Vomiting of blood 4 episodes ◦ Passage…