Documents tagged
Business Knowing When to Leave Your Job

1. BROUGHT TO YOU BY The women of Connect: Professional Women’s Network share how they decide when it’s time to leave a job. Exit Strategies at Work 2. CONNECT: PROFESSIONAL…

Documents Work life balance

1. Vasudevan 2. “I arise in the morning torn between the desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day”, E.B.White.Vasudevan…

Documents Unit 1 Health & Safety Foundations

Health and Safety Foundations ASK Institute Of Environment Health and Safety, Surat Page 1 of 44 CONTENTS Sr. No. 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3…

Education Top 25 Cities For Teachers

1. Top 25 Cities for TeachersNow more than ever, it’s important to get the best bang for your buck. And there’s no question about it — when it comes to value, not every…

Self Improvement 10 Tips for Keeping a Journal from a Journal Writing Expert

1. By Brad Ball 2. 1- Find a Way To Make It a Habit! There’s not right or wrong way to keep a journal. The important thing is that you do it at least somewhat consistently.…

Education Social Empowerment Through Improved Social Skills

1. SOCIAL EMPOWERMENTTHROUGH IMPROVEDSOCIAL SKILLSBy Kristel Rose B. Magluyan 2. What are social skills?• Social skills are used to communicate andinteract with others–…

Health & Medicine Caffeine Not a Just Stimulant

1.Caffeine--Not just a stimulant M.Prasad Naidu MSc Medical Biochemistry, Ph.D.Research Scholar 2.  Introduction  Consideration of the physiological effets of caffeine…

Education What Makes You Happy

1.Survey [email_address] EFL Teacher, Secondary School “Gostivar”, Gostivar, Macedonia WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY2. SURVEY This survey measures the factors that contribute…

Education Self Esteem

1. Self-Esteem 2. Definitions Self-concept: Picture or perception of ourselves/ a person's mental model of his or her abilities and attributesSelf Efficacy: The set…

Education College Can Be Expensive - How Do You Pick the Right One?

1. College Can Be Expensive.How Do You Pickthe Right One?Going to college is a costly endeavor—and that cost is increasing every year.The typical cost of a college education…