Documents tagged
Documents Electronic Noses_IEEE SpectrumSept1998

IEEE Spectrum September 1998, Volume 35, Number 9, pp. 22-34 The How and Why of Electronic Noses H. Troy Nagle1, Susan S. Schiffman2 and Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna1 1 North…

Documents Sensationandperceptionhooray 130109050726-phpapp02

1. SENSATION 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF SENSESTRANSDUCTION •The process in which a sense organ changesphysical energy into electrical signals •These signals…

Education Powerpoint intro flvs fragrances chp 7.1 ,........ [email protected]

FLAVORS AND FRAGRANCES Chapter 7.1 Definition Fragrance & flavors substances Strong smelling organic compound with pleasant odor Uses in : perfume & perfumed product…

Education Bio12 Respiratory System Presentation

1. Respiratory System 2. v  Major Functions v  Gas exchange (external and internal exchange) v  Cleanse/Moisten/Warm Air v  Inspiration and expiration…


1. Gas exchange in animals GROUP #3 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 2. It involves at least 3 distinct processes: 1. Pulmonary ventilation – movement of air into and out of lungs. •…

Documents Basic Pulmonary Anatomy The Upper and Lower Airways.

Slide 1Basic Pulmonary Anatomy The Upper and Lower Airways Slide 2 Respiratory System Slide 3 Upper Airways Nose Paranasal sinuses Pharynx Slide 4 The Functions of the Nose…

Documents Olfaction 2014 Anosmia Stinks Robert L Pincus MD NY Sinus Center/ NYOG.

Slide 1Olfaction 2014 Anosmia Stinks Robert L Pincus MD NY Sinus Center/ NYOG Slide 2 Olfaction 2014 Considerable new work over last year or two- (since Dr. Gold’s presentation)…

Documents Special Terms involved stimuli: changes in internal and external environments to living organisms...

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Special Terms involved stimuli: changes in internal and external environments to living organisms sensory system: system perceives stimuli so organisms…

Documents Idara C. Eshiet The olfactory System and limbic system.

Slide 1 Idara C. Eshiet The olfactory System and limbic system Slide 2 The olfactory system ( CN1) Slide 3 Introduction The sense of smell is much less essential than vision,…

Documents The Other Senses. The other Senses The major sense are seeing & hearing –Without our sense of...

Slide 1 The Other Senses Slide 2 The other Senses The major sense are seeing & hearing –Without our sense of Touch Taste Smell Body motion & position –Serious…