Documents tagged
Documents Preventing Infection Ppt

PREVENTING INFECTION IN THE HOSPITAL Staff nurses play an important role in risk reduction by 1. paying careful attention to hand hygiene, 2. by ensuring careful administration…

Documents Working Group #03 Presentation for June 2007 Meeting.ppt

Working Group: #3 Infections of the GI Tract June 18-19, 2007 NCDD Meeting Working Group Members Chair: Mitchell Cohen, MD Vice-Chair: Richard Blumberg, MD Members: Mary…

Education Usmle presentation final

1. Working in the USA Majd Protty, Jaidev Nath, and other USMLErs 2. USMLE Three parts: Step 1 (Preclinical MCQ) – 8 hours Step 2 Step 2 CK (Clinical MCQ) – 9 hours Step…

Documents Fecal Transplant

INTRODUCTION. 1 FECAL TRANSPLANTATION USMAN AISHAT (U11AN1060). Introduction. 2 It is a procedure in which fecal materials containing bacteria and natural antibacterial are…

Documents Bedfordshire Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidelines 2008.

Slide 1Bedfordshire Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidelines 2008 Slide 2 Managing Common Infections in Primary Care Bedfordshire Antimicrobial Prescribing Guidelines 2008 Slide…

Documents Definition: A route of administration is the path by which a drug, fluid, poison or other substance....

Slide 1 Slide 2 Definition: A route of administration is the path by which a drug, fluid, poison or other substance is brought into contact with the body. Slide 3 Classification…

Documents A Closer Look at Clostridium difficile Infections

Richard Allan Bettis, Fourth-Year Pharm.D. Candidate Preceptor: Dr. Ali Rahimi University of Georgia College of Pharmacy A Closer Look at Clostridium difficile Infections…

Documents Richard Allan Bettis, Fourth-Year Pharm.D. Candidate Preceptor: Dr. Ali Rahimi University of Georgia...

Richard Allan Bettis, Fourth-Year Pharm.D. Candidate Preceptor: Dr. Ali Rahimi University of Georgia College of Pharmacy A Closer Look at Clostridium difficile Infections…

Documents Aspiration Pneumonia

Aspiration Pneumonia Aspiration Pneumonia Diagnosis: Chelsea, Elisha, Jessica, Lisa, Morgan 1 Case Information 27 year old, male Admitted with uncontrollable fever Transferred…

Documents Routes of drug administration

Definition: A route of administration is the path by which a drug, fluid, poison or other substance is brought into contact with the body. Classification Routes of administration…