Technology 2011 03-03 standards and standardization

1. Standards andStandardizationby Newell Hampson-Jones, Education Sector Representative, BSIFriday, April 20, 2012 2. 2What are standards?© The British Standards Institution…

Education 2011 10-26 standards and standardization

1. 2What are standards? 2. Before Standardization3• c. 3000 BC – c. 1500 BC Indus Valley Civilization – First to develop uniform weights and measures• c. 80–70 BC…

Technology 2011 11-30 standardization standards and inovation

1. Standardization, Standards, InnovationNewell Hampson-Jones,Education Sector Representative, British Standards Institution7th December, 2011Produced in Collaboration with:Gill…

Education 2011 12-09 standardization standards and inovation

1. Standardization,Standards,InnovationNewell Hampson-Jones,Education Sector Representative, British Standards Institution7th December, 2011Produced in Collaboration with:Dr…

Business Standards and standardization

1. Standards and Standardization by Newell Hampson-Jones, Education Sector Representative, BSI Friday 8 April 2011 2. What are standards? 3. Before Standardization c. 3000…

Documents Standards and standardization

1. Standards and Standardization by Newell Hampson-Jones, Education Sector Representative, BSI Thursday 24 February 2011 2. What are standards? 3. Before Standardization…

Education 2011 11-18 standards and standardization level 1

1. Standards and StandardizationNewell Hampson-Jones,Education Sector Representative, British Standards Institution25th November, 2011Produced in Collaboration with:Dr Eujin…