Documents The Romantic Period

The Romantic Period The Romantic Period 1789-1832 Whitechapel High Street, ca. 1894 âRomanticâ 1. Fascination with youth, innocence, and the âgrowing upâ experience 2.…

Documents CONTENT

Slayt 1 Romantic Period Poet Description of poem Themes Symbols Language Usage Metaphors and Similies Implementions in the class Conclusion CONTENT THE ROMANTIC PERIOD (1798-1832)…

Documents The War at Home

The War at Home The War at Home Socials 11 Total war Women took menâs places Money provided by provincial governments for day care so that women could work Urbanisation…

Documents Who Gets What? How Do Societies Decide?

Who Gets What? How Do Societies Decide? Who Gets What? How Do Societies Decide? Section 2 Who Gets What? How Do Societies Decide?     If resources were…

Documents Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire

Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire An End to Isolation âThe condition of foreign states is not what it once was; they have invented…

Documents Communist China:

Communist China: The Peopleâs Republic of China Overview The establishment of the Peopleâs Republic of China in 1949 began a new period in Chinese history. Communists had…

Documents 6.%20Romantic%20Poets%20&%20the%20Gothic%20Novel

80 THE ROMANTIC POETS Reacting against the formality of 18th Century verse, five writers appeared and changed the face of English poetry. Wordsworth, with his belief in the…

Documents Chinese Communist Revolution Global History Unit #6.

Slide 1Chinese Communist Revolution Global History Unit #6 Slide 2 Two Chinas Slide 3 Map of China and Taiwan Slide 4 Today, China is the most populous nation in the world.…