Documents tagged
Documents Gojko Vujanovic Electromagnetic Probes of Strongly Interacting Matter: Status and Future of Low-...

Slide 1Gojko Vujanovic Electromagnetic Probes of Strongly Interacting Matter: Status and Future of Low- Mass Lepton-Pair Spectroscopy ECT*: Trento, Italy May 22 nd 2013 1…

Documents Thermal dileptons at RHIC

PowerPoint Presentation Thermal dileptons at RHIC Gojko Vujanovic Thermal Radiation Workshop Brookhaven National Laboratory December 7th 2012 1 1 Outline Overview of Dilepton…

Documents Thermal dileptons in high-energy heavy ion collisions with 3+1D relativistic hydrodynamics

PowerPoint Presentation Thermal dileptons in high-energy heavy ion collisions with 3+1D relativistic hydrodynamics Gojko Vujanovic, Clint Young, Bjoern Schenke, Sangyong…

Documents Oleg Teryaev JINR

Vorticity in Heavy-Ion Collisions and its manifestations ECT*,Trento QCD in Strong Magnetic fields November 13 2012 Oleg Teryaev JINR Outline Rotating QCD matter: comparing…

Documents Gojko Vujanovic Thermal Radiation Workshop Brookhaven National Laboratory December 7 th 2012 1.

PowerPoint Presentation Thermal dileptons at RHIC Gojko Vujanovic Thermal Radiation Workshop Brookhaven National Laboratory December 7th 2012 1 1 Outline Overview of Dilepton…

Documents Dileptons from off-shell transport approach

Dileptons from off-shell transport approach Elena Bratkovskaya 5.07.2008 , HADES Collaboration Meeting XIX, GSI, Darmstadt Overview Study of in-medium effects in heavy-ion…

Documents Thermal dileptons at RHIC

PowerPoint Presentation Thermal dileptons at RHIC Gojko Vujanovic Thermal Radiation Workshop Brookhaven National Laboratory December 7th 2012 1 1 Outline Overview of Dilepton…

Documents Viscosity & Dilepton Production

PowerPoint Presentation Viscosity & Dilepton Production Gojko Vujanovic Electromagnetic Probes of Strongly Interacting Matter: Status and Future of Low-Mass Lepton-Pair…