Documents tagged
Technology Application of greedy method prim

1. Application of greedy method:Prim’s Algorithm 2. Greedy Method ???A greedy method is an method that followsthe problem solving technique of making thelocally optimal…

Documents Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (and inapproximability) Irit Dinur, Weizmann open day, May 1 st.....

Slide 1 Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (and inapproximability) Irit Dinur, Weizmann open day, May 1 st 2009 Slide 2 How Efficiently Can Proofs Be Checked ? P  NP (12…

Documents Graphs

Graphs Graphs Applications of Depth-First Search Undirected graphs: Connected components, articulation points, bridges, biconnected components Directed graphs: Cyclic/acyclic…

Documents PCP and Inapproximability Irit Dinur NEC. Example: the Minimum Vertex Cover functionExample: the...

PCP and Inapproximability Irit Dinur NEC Example: the Minimum Vertex Cover function Facts: 1. Best algorithm runs in time (1.21)n [Robson ‘86] 2. VC is NP-hard. [Karp ’72]…

Documents P robabilistically C heckable P roofs (and inapproximability)

Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (and inapproximability) Irit Dinur, Weizmann open day, May 1st 2009 How Efficiently Can Proofs Be Checked? (slide by Madhu Sudan) our real…

Documents Applications of graph traversals [CLRS] – problem 22.2 - Articulation points, bridges, and...

Slide 1 Applications of graph traversals [CLRS] – problem 22.2 - Articulation points, bridges, and biconnected components [CLRS] – subchapter 22.4 Topological sort Slide…

Documents Prims’ spanning tree algorithm Given: connected graph (V, E) (sets of vertices and edges) V1= {an....

Prims’ spanning tree algorithm Given: connected graph (V, E) (sets of vertices and edges) V1= {an arbitrary node of V}; E1= {}; //inv: (V1, E1) is a tree, V1 ≤ V, E1…