Documents tagged
Technology Interoperable Data Pete Odell

1. SILVER BULLETS: HOW INTEROPERABLE DATA WILL REVOLUTIONIZE INFORMATION SHARING Pete O’Dell Founder/Director Swan Island Networks [email_address] 2. Introduction, bias…

Technology Big Data for Everyman

1. Erik Swan, Michael WildeBig Data for Everyman 2. Hi... We work at Splunk. 3. We stare at data all day. 4. WTF is Big Data?! 5. larger than small data? 6. smaller than…

Education Earth day 2014

1. EARTH DAY 2014 Give Em’ Fin 2. In celebration of Earth Day on April 22nd 2014, Sea Save (an NGO)is spearheading, a creative, fun and impactful event, Earth Day 2014:…

Health & Medicine Dr Beverly Rowbotham - Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology - Building and measuring the value proposition....

1. Building and measuring the value proposition in Laboratory MedicineBev Rowbotham MD FRACP FRCPA 2. The economics of healthcare 3. Healthcare spending in high income countries…

Technology Internet Technologies

1. Overview OfInternet Technologies &Web 2.0 NITTTR:Chd STC: Internet: Feb 2, 2009 2. The Internet worldwide collection of computer networks 1969: ARPA…

Business Growth hacking case studies to improve your funnel

1. Growth  hacking  case   studies  to  improve   your  funnel  Based  on  the  AARRR  pirate  metrics  framework.  See   “Pirate  Metrics  AARRR,  profit…

Documents Computer misuse By Andy Scott, Michael Murray and Adam Kanopa.

Slide 1Computer misuse By Andy Scott, Michael Murray and Adam Kanopa Slide 2 Definition The Computer Misuse Act 1990 (CMA) is an act of the UK Parliament passed in 1990.…

Documents By Jane Yolen. Jane Yolen- Born in February 11, 1939 in New York City. She is a...

Slide 1By Jane Yolen Slide 2 Jane Yolen- Born in February 11, 1939 in New York City. She is a poet/journalist/nonfiction writer. She later started writing childrens books.…

Documents CURRENT TECHNIQUES AND TECHNOLOGIES IN HIP SURGERY George J. Haidukewych M.D. Academic Chairman...

Slide 1CURRENT TECHNIQUES AND TECHNOLOGIES IN HIP SURGERY George J. Haidukewych M.D. Academic Chairman Director of Orthopedic Trauma Chief, Complex Joint Replacement Residency…

Marketing Twitter At Eight

1.We Are Social TWITTER March 2014 2. We Are SocialWe Are Social •  240+ million monthly active users •  500 million tweets are sent per day •  76% Twitter users…