Documents tagged
Documents BELL WORK 11-13-07 Name the two groups that fought during the Civil War Which side was winning the.....

Slide 1 BELL WORK 11-13-07 Name the two groups that fought during the Civil War Which side was winning the war from 1861-1863? Which side was winning the war from 1863-1865?…

Documents Military Strategy 10/01/02. The Search for Allies The South and the North both wanted allies, the...

Military Strategy 10/01/02 The Search for Allies The South and the North both wanted allies, the south had Great Britain as an unofficial ally Pivotal Land Battles Bull Run…

Documents Although the North has more supplies and more men the South has better leaders and only has to fight...

Although the North has more supplies and more men the South has better leaders and only has to fight a defensive war. South wins many early key battles. War does not go well…

Documents Click to start. The Civil War Click to play! Need host, three players and score keeper. Click on...

Civil War Jeopardy Battles People Places Really Gettys-burg The Civil War Final Question 10 20 Rev: 1/17/14 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30…


MOUNTAIN STATE TIMO NOOT KEIO KALLAS LAURI KABUR March 11, 2011 WEST VIRGINIA Orissaare Gymnasium Facts & Figures STATEHOOD June 20, 1863; 35th state CAPITAL Charleston…

Documents Early Battles and leaders. 1 st Bull Run/ Manassas ► First Battle of Bull Run, also known as First...

Early Battles and leaders 1st Bull Run/ Manassas First Battle of Bull Run, also known as First Manassas (the name used by Confederate forces), was fought on July 21, 1861,…

Documents The American Civil War A NATION DIVIDED 1861-1865.

The American Civil War The American Civil War A Nation Divided 1861-1865 Monday: November 2, 2015 Bell Work: Write the following in your notes: What were the three main causes…

Documents “War Between the States” “Brother’s War” “War of Northern Aggression” “Children’s....

Slide 1 âWar Between the Statesâ âBrotherâs Warâ âWar of Northern Aggressionâ âChildrenâs Crusadeâ March 1861 Lincolnâs Inaugural Address Lincoln pleaded for preservation…

Documents The Persian War!. How Do We Know? Remember, history is what is remembered and written down, along...

ThePersian War! How Do We Know? Remember, history is what is remembered and written down, along with the bias of the writer. Herodotus - primary source âFather of Historyâ…

Documents Major Events of the Civil War

Major Events of the Civil War Good job! Youâve completed the lesson. Click the flag below to go back to the beginning. The End Battle of Antietam Date: September 17, 1862…