Documents tagged
Documents Abdominal Assesssment

Abdominal Assessment NUR 242 Dr. Fran Anderson Abdomen • Not a system to itself – Largest cavity of the body – Contains structures from the digestive system and other…

Health & Medicine Infantilehypertrophicpyloric 140228082212-phpapp01

1. IHPSDr MukiMD 52013 2. INTRODUCTIONPyloric stenosis, or infantile hypertrophic pyloricstenosis (IHPS) is a condition characterised byhypertrophy of the two muscle layers…

Documents Hannah Tanbonliong. J.C. 36/M December 24, 1975 Filipino Catholic Makati City Date of Admission:...

Slide 1Hannah Tanbonliong Slide 2 J.C. 36/M December 24, 1975 Filipino Catholic Makati City Date of Admission: March 21, 2012 Slide 3 2 days PTA Epigastric pain Non-radiating…

Documents Direct web link for -

1. CASE PRESENTATION This is a two-day old male infant, born weighting 2730 grams (six pounds, two ounces) after a full-term pregnancy complicated by influenza in the first…


1. CLASSIFICATION OF ANAEMIAS: Morphological Size Shape Colour Pathogenetic blood loss Reduced production increased destruction 2. Morphological classification: 1. Normocytic…

Documents Case Presentation:.doc

1. Screening for Hepatocellular Carcinoma inPatients with CirrhosisJason D. Huff, HOIIICase Presentation:Ms. X is a 37-year-old white female who presented to my continuity…

Health & Medicine Apls Pediatric Emergency Radiology 2

1. Pediatric Emergency Radiology II 2. Objectives Identify the following conditions based on x-ray findings: Lobar emphysema Vertebral compression fractures Pneumomediastinum…

Documents Radiology Search Patterns

CXR: CXR: 1) Devices / Lines 2) Vasculature a. Heart size, contour, valves, calcifications (valvular or arterial) b. Look behind heart for retrocardiac opacity / hiatal hernia…

Documents HPI 36 year old female come to the Emergency Department with abdominal pain in her right upper...

Slide 1 Slide 2 HPI  36 year old female come to the Emergency Department with abdominal pain in her right upper quadrant and epigastrium. The pain is sharp and colicky…

Documents Joshua Sapkin, MD Associate Program Director LAC+USC Internal Medicine Residency Program.

Slide 1Joshua Sapkin, MD Associate Program Director LAC+USC Internal Medicine Residency Program Slide 2 Case 1 The nurse calls you because your patient who returned from…