Documents tagged
Technology India quiz prelims + just in case

1. • He was the son of Vairab Singh, a dacoit whodied in police combat. He was adopted by apoliceman. On growing up, he set up the“Naagrik Suraksha Dal (NASUD)” that…

Documents The Function of Art

3 Categories of Functions of Art: 1.Physical 2.Personal 3.Social 1. Physical Function  Works of art that are created to perform some service have physical functions. …

Education Power plugs

1. 30January1913 Budapest , Austria - Hungary 5 December 1941 (age28) Lahore, British India (present day Pakistan) Training Grande Chaumiere , École des Beaux-Arts (1930–34)…

Documents The Last Leaf by O. Henry. table dhôte table dhôte n: a complete meal with courses as specified on...

Slide 1The Last Leaf by O. Henry Slide 2 table dhôte table dhôte n: a complete meal with courses as specified on the menu, served at a restaurant or a hotel for a fixed…

Documents European Renaissance and Reformation Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance.

Slide 1European Renaissance and Reformation Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Italy’s Advantages  City StatesWealthy MerchantsGreece and Rome…

Documents Michelangelo. Michelangelo Buonarroti ► Perhaps the greatest influence on western art in the last....

Slide 1Michelangelo Slide 2 Michelangelo Buonarroti ► Perhaps the greatest influence on western art in the last five centuries, Michelangelo was an Italian sculptor, architect,…

Education Michelangelo

1.MichelangeloPresented by: bruceblackart.com2. Michelangelo Buonarroti► Perhaps the greatest influence on western art in the last five centuries, Michelangelo was an Italian…

Education Painters ofthe Renaissance Period

1.PAINTERS IN THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD Diala Garcia Bucayan Dadero Mangaoang Griarte III-Nobel2. Michelangelo Buonarroti 3. Sistine Chapel Frescoes 4. The Conversion of Saul…

Documents Leadership Qualities

1.Indispensable Qualities of Leadership - Prakash Joshi(Referred from John C Maxwell’s Book)2. What is Leadership?• Leadership lies in character qualities ofindividual…

Art & Photos Humanities 101

1. Josefino Tulabing Larena Jr. CPS, MPA 2.  Latin Word “ Humanus” - “human”, Refined and “ Cultured  Subjects Visual Arts Painting Sculpture Architecture…