Documents tagged
Technology Offshore Special Regulations 2006 2007

1. World Leader in Rating Technology OFFSHORE RACING CONGRESS ISAF Offshore Special Regulations 2006 - 2007 2. DIAGRAMATIC GUIDE (see als alphabetical index) © ORC Ltd.…

Documents Changes to RRS 2009-2013. Insert Para 3 (c) 3.ACCEPTANCE OF THE RULES By participating in a race...

Changes to RRS 2009-2013 Insert Para 3 (c) 3. ACCEPTANCE OF THE RULES By participating in a race conducted under these racing rules, each competitor and boat owner agrees…

Documents Changes to RRS 2009-2013

Changes to RRS 2009-2013 Insert Para 3 (c) 3. ACCEPTANCE OF THE RULES By participating in a race conducted under these racing rules, each competitor and boat owner agrees…

Documents F18 World Championship 2015

WORLD SAILING NOTICE OF RACE 2 3 3. Advertising & Identification Boats and competitors shall comply with ISAF Regulation 20, Advertising Code. 3.1. Competing boats may…

Documents Notice of Race SB3 Nationals 2011

ANGEL GROUP LANDSCAPING- FENCING-CONSTRUCTION National Championship Notice of Race Royal Irish Yacht Club 16th to 18th September 2011 1. ORGANISATION & VENUE 1.1. The…

Documents 505 Worlds 2014 Notice of Race

NOTICE OF RACE 3. Advertising & Identification Boats and competitors shall comply with ISAF Regulation 20, Advertising Code. Competing boats may be required to dis- play…

Documents Stanford Antigua Sailing Week Notice of Race

42nd STANFORD ANTIGUA SAIL ING WEEK | N O T I C E O F R A C E 2 5 A P R I L â 1 MAY 2 0 0 9 | A N T I G U A NOR Amend 10_12:Layout 1 12/10/08 10:17 AM Page 1 NOR Amend 10_12:Layout…

Documents Notice of Race for Easter Regatta of S.C. Pirat in Portoroz

Velikonočna regata 2013 Easter Regatta 2013 29. – 31. marec / March 2013 JK Pirat Portorož – Slovenija Razred / Class Optimist REGATNA NAVODILA – SAILING INSTRUCTIONS…