Documents tagged
Documents Security Incident Handlings How can we work together to provide confidence for Internet users?...

Slide 1Security Incident Handlings How can we work together to provide confidence for Internet users? Suguru Yamaguchi, Ph.D. JPCERT/CC (WIDE Project/NAIST) Slide 2 APNIC…

Technology LCE13: LEG - OpenJDK

1.Group photograph at Linaro Connect in Copenhagen Monday 29 Oct 2012 Why? What? How? Who? Where? When? LCE-13 OpenJDK 2. Meet the team • RedHat o Andrew…

Technology Perl wants you

1. Intro / Preface ● Augustina Ragwitz – Perl Developer since 2007 – First YAPC in 2012 (Madison) ● Currently at MediaMath in NYC (we're hiring) ● [email protected]

Education Linux14 Dynamic DNS

1. Dynamic DNS [email protected] [1] 2. Introduction - DDNS Dynamic DNS is one of the fastest growing aspects of DNS…

Technology Cisco Malware: A new risk to consider in perimeter security designs

1. Cisco Malware: A new risk to consider in perimeter security designsManuel Humberto Santander Pelá[email protected] 2. AgendaIntroductionWhat you need to infect…

Technology Platforms and the Semantic Web

Danny Ayers [email protected] Platforms and the Semantic Web Notetaking – not really necessary, just bookmark:…

Technology Introduction to Marionette Collective

1. Marionette Collective Resistance is Futile…and stuff. Gary Larizza Puppet Labs @glarizza 2. What is MCollective• Frameworkfor System Management• Orchestration 3.…

Software Botnet

1.  2. Abstract Botnets are one of the most  serious security threats tothe Internet and its end users. A botnet consists of compromised computers that areremotely…

Documents SLAC Computer Security Annual Safety and Security Briefing 2006.

Slide 1SLAC Computer Security Annual Safety and Security Briefing 2006 Slide 2 Presenters  Teresa Downey  Spear Phishing & Web Security Markers  Heather Larrieu…

Documents Welcome to the MIRC & NoName Script Tutorial Created by Buzz & Jet 1/31.

Slide 1 Welcome to the MIRC & NoName Script Tutorial Created by Buzz & Jet 1/31 Slide 2 Download & Installation First, download two applications…