Documents tagged
Education Sussex Development Lecture Terry Cannon 17 Feb

1. Sussex Development Lecture 17 February 2011 Unnatural Disasters, Natural Hazards Terry Cannon Climate Change & Development Group These slides will make more sense…

Documents Chapter 11

Chapter 9—Controlling Information Systems: Business Process Controls TRUE/FALSE 1. Specifying control goals is the first step in building a control matrix. ANS: T 2. In…

Documents Mine your data: contrasting data mining approaches to numeric ...

1. Mine your data: contrasting data mining approaches to numeric and textual data sources IASSIST May 2006 conference Ann Arbor, USA Louise Corti UK Data Archive[email_address]…

Education Nosql part3

1. NoSQL & MongoDB..Part III Arindam Chatterjee 2. Aggregation in MongoDB • • • ••Aggregations are operations that process data records and return computed…

Software Mongo db pefrormance optimization strategies

1. MongoDB Performance Optimization Strategies Presentation outline By Enterprise Account Manager Kevin Batt [email protected] 408-207-8408 Enteros, Inc. 2. MongoDB…

Technology Working of input and output devices

1. Working of input devicesInput devices : is any hardware that takes input from the user.Types of input devicesKeyboard 2. Optical Mouse…

Documents Mine your data: contrasting data mining approaches to numeric and textual data sources IASSIST May.....

Slide 1Mine your data: contrasting data mining approaches to numeric and textual data sources IASSIST May 2006 conference Ann Arbor, USA Louise Corti UK Data Archive [email protected]

Documents Presentations Introduction Case Studies: – Policies, Services, Interoperability, Mashups: BNF,...

Slide 1Presentations Introduction Case Studies: – Policies, Services, Interoperability, Mashups: BNF, DCAPE, PoDRI, e-Legacy – RENCI Federated Data Projects: NARA TPAP,…

Documents XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt. Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C.....

Slide 1XML Data Management 8. XQuery Werner Nutt Slide 2 Requirements for an XML Query Language David Maier, W3C XML Query Requirements: Closedness: output must be XML Composability:…

Documents Querying on the Web: XQuery, RDQL, SparQL Semantic Web - Spring 2006 Computer Engineering Department...

Slide 1Querying on the Web: XQuery, RDQL, SparQL Semantic Web - Spring 2006 Computer Engineering Department Sharif University of Technology Slide 2 2 Outline XQuery –Querying…