Documents Flower Characteristics AGR 161. Objectives The students will be able to: Label the parts of the...

Slide 1Flower Characteristics AGR 161 Slide 2 Objectives The students will be able to: Label the parts of the flower. Identify each parts function. Recognize the different…

Documents Section Four the Flower. Part One Makeup and Shape Definition The flower is a abnormal short shoot.....

Slide 1Section Four the Flower Slide 2 Part One Makeup and Shape Definition The flower is a abnormal short shoot. Physiological Function through blossom out and pollination,than…

Education Horsegram

1. Horse gram( Macrotylomauniflorum) 2. Macrotyloma uniflorumKingdom: PlantaePhylum TracheophytaClass MagnolyopsidaOrder FabalesFamily: FabaceaeGenus: MacrotylomaSpecies…