Technology Money (It's What We Want)

1. Money (It’s What We Want)#12NTCmoneyRuth Williams, ZeroDivideAndrea Berry, IdealwareCynthia Bailie, The Foundation Center 2. Money (It’s What We Want)#12NTCmoney AGENDA…

Technology Money (It's What We Want)

1. Money (It’s What We Want)#12NTCmoneyRuth Williams, ZeroDivideAndrea Berry, IdealwareCynthia Bailie, The Foundation Center1 2. Money (It’s What We Want)#12NTCmoney…

Business Money (It's What We Want)

How to persuade foundations to fund your technology needs April 3, 2012 * Talked to funders Conducted a 6 month survey - 41 funders, 13 TSPs Learned how and why funders are…