LITHUANIA The Republic of Lithuania is the country in Central Europe, by the Baltic Sea. Lithuania borders with Latvia, Belarus, Poland and Russia. Lithuania Area - 65.2…

Documents Ukraine

U Ukraine Ukraine on the globe. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine 449927853 Carpathians is the biggest mounties in Ukraine Lake Synevir is the largest lake in the Ukrainian…

Documents Christianity in Lithuania

Christianity in Lithuania Christianity in Lithuania In 1200, while much of Europe had already converted to Christianity, Lithuania was still pagan. Lithuanians believed…


LITHUANIAN QUALITIES LITHUANIAN QUALITIES LITHUANIA shed blood for the Motherland life fields of ryes and wheats History Lithuania has a very rich and worthy of pride history.…

Documents “The seasons Comenius multilateral project “

“The seasons Comenius multilateral project “ “The seasons Comenius multilateral project “ What I KNOW ABOUT PARTENERS? AUThOR : Savu loredana , Ionescu Ariana, nan…


Slide 1 STALINISM Collectivization The Great Terror Kulak Actions National Operations Lenin and the New Economic Policy Lenin realized that it did not make sense for the…

Documents Belarus. Ancestral Palaces and Manors Ancestral Palaces and Manors The spirit of luxury and splendor hospitality beyond borders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Мinsk…

Documents Józef Piłsudski 5 December 1867- 12 May 1935

Slajd 1 Józef Piłsudski 5 December 1867- 12 May 1935 Commandor during World War I and Polish-Soviet War Chief of State in the newly independent Poland The authoritarian…

Documents Leisure in Lithuania

ВАА предлагает не только обучение, но и увлекательное времяпровождение. BAA offers not only learning but also…