Documents tagged
Documents Study Guide to Counterfeit Gods

A Study Guide to Counterfeit Gods by Tim Keller by Westminster Chapel for Fight Clubs of Faith Contents What are Fight Clubs of Faith? 1. Introduction to Counterfeit Gods…

Documents Christ in the Tabernacle

Christ In the Tabernacle “Do you see yonder Wicket Gate?” An e-book produced by the Wicket Gate Magazine. Articles are taken from various editions of the magazine and…

Documents Hajar Aswad - The Idol of Hager or Shiva Linga

The so called pre-Islamic religion that existed in Arabia before the advent of Islam is none other than Hinduism. The numerous striking similarity between Islamic rituals…

Documents Yasin Letter Sholawat Know the Meaning of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad PBUH Rosul

Verily Allah and His angels to prophets bersholawat. O ye who believe! Bersholawatlah you to respect the prophet and say hello to him. "(Al-Ahzab: 56) God sent the prophet…

Spiritual Jonas

1. Jesus Christ I AM THAT I AMGreat Commission Ministries http://jesuschrist.thegreatiam.googlepages.comJonahthe reluctant prophet32nd book of the Bible 2. A. THEMEThis book…

Documents Business Ethics & Professional Responsibility

Business Ethics & Professional Responsibility Unethical Behavior Unethical behavior in business is not just a recent phenomenon ± In the sixth century, B.C., the philosopher…

Spiritual 1 john 4d Love is the key to obedience.

1. God's Idea of a Good Time Friday, January 7, 2011 7:00 P.M. 2. 1 John 417-18Herein is our love made perfect, that we…

Spiritual Jesus Confronts the Pharisees

1. Jesus’ Teaching on the Law Matthew 15:1–11, 15–20 2. Background Today’s lesson focuses on a confrontation Jesus had with scribes and Pharisees over the meaning…

Spiritual 05182014 slides

1. Jesus’ Teaching on the Law Matthew 15:1–11, 15–20 2. Background Today’s lesson focuses on a confrontation Jesus had with scribes and Pharisees over the meaning…

Spiritual 2013106 slides

1. Genesis 15:7-20 Covenant with Abram 2. Context The lesson reviews the Promise of Land to Abraham and his descendants. The study's aim is to student the timeless truths…