Documents tagged
Documents UNEP Year Book 2012: Emerging Issues in our Global Environment

The UNEP Year Book 2012 shows that we have been experiencing an exceptional level of ecological extremes. However, scientists and policy makers have been making headway on…

Documents Cold Water Corals

COLD-WATER CORALS: THE BIOLOGY AND GEOLOGY OF DEEP-SEA CORAL HABITATS There are more coral species in deep, cold waters than in tropical coral reefs. This broad-ranging treatment…

Documents Drought monitoring with coarse resolution remote sensing at the African continent level O. Rojas...

Slide 1Drought monitoring with coarse resolution remote sensing at the African continent level O. Rojas (FAO) and F. Rembold (JRC) One of the main water sources outside Moyale…

Documents A Campus-Scale High Performance Cyberinfrastructure is Required for Data-Intensive Research Seminar....

Slide 1A Campus-Scale High Performance Cyberinfrastructure is Required for Data-Intensive Research Seminar Presentation Princeton Institute for Computational Science and…

Documents The effects of temperature and light on phytoplankton production Jan Bissinger S chool of B...

Slide 1The effects of temperature and light on phytoplankton production Jan Bissinger S chool of B iological S ciences S chool of B iological S ciences Slide 2 Some background…

Documents Granitic Site in the Czech Republic and Paired-Catchments Possibilities Pavel Kram, Jakub Hruska,...

Slide 1Granitic Site in the Czech Republic and Paired-Catchments Possibilities Pavel Kram, Jakub Hruska, Tomas Navratil, Filip Oulehle, Daniela Fottova and Martin Novak Czech…

Documents Modeling micronutrients in the ocean: The case of Iron Olivier Aumont Based on the work by: L. Bopp,...

Slide 1Modeling micronutrients in the ocean: The case of Iron Olivier Aumont Based on the work by: L. Bopp, A. Tagliabue, J.K. Moore, W. Gregg, P. Parekh, A. Ridgwell, S.…

Technology 1 judd-ifa 2012 pp(3)

1. City Futures Research CentreAgeing, the Built Environment andLivability in an Extreme ClimateBruce Judd, Margaret Kay, Catherine Bridge& Toni AdamsCity Futures Research…

Education L01 Ecosystems-what are they

1. Ecosystems – what are they ? (Refer to Essentials of Ecology, G. Tyler Miller) 2. Ecosystems Levels of organization Individual/Organism Population Community Ecosystem…

Environment Discussions about Climate Change, Impacts and Vulnerability

1. DISCUSSIONS ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE , IMPACTS AND VULNERABILITYByProf (Dr) RichardOdingoUniversity Of NairobiFormer Vice PresidentIntergovernmental Panel On Climate Change…