Documents tagged
Documents GENETIC CONDITIONS REDEFINED Perspectives on DNA research Presenter: Christina Scales.

Slide 1 GENETIC CONDITIONS REDEFINED Perspectives on DNA research Presenter: Christina Scales Slide 2 Father of Modern Genetics Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) Documented inheritable…

Documents Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) Ritesh Karsalia.

PowerPoint Presentation Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) Ritesh Karsalia What is TTP? Blood disorder leading to formation of unnecessary blood clots Based on ADAMTS13…

Documents SCR CONNECTions February 19, 2014 This presentation is eligible for 1 hour MLA CE at the conclusion....

SCR CONNECTions February 19, 2014 This presentation is eligible for 1 hour MLA CE at the conclusion of the session. You will be provided with a link to the evaluation form…

Documents Genetics Home Reference ghr.nlm.nih Anna Ripple National Library of Medicine

Genetics Home Reference Anna Ripple National Library of Medicine Bethesda, Maryland Overview Human Genome Project What is Genetics Home Reference (GHR)?…

Documents CMT

Slide 1 CMT Charcot Tooth Marie 2 Symptoms Muscle Weakening Nerve Damage Treatment Options Awareness My Project Spartan Stroll for CMT Sponsors Registration Activities Spartan…

Documents Juvenile Macular Degeneration

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Juvenile Macular Degeneration Lauran Maestas Meghan Raney Cressie Wright Three major forms of Juvenile Macular Degeneration Bestâs…

Documents Beta-Thalassemia

Beta-Thalassemia Jack Doering Corey Allen Cause Mutation…

Science Large-scale biomedical data and text integration

1. Protein associationnetworksLars Juhl Jensen 2. association networks 3. guilt by association 4. biological systems 5. molecular networks 6. STRING 7. 2000+ genomes 8. computational…

Documents By: Emily Antonides

Slide 1 By: Emily Antonides Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) on Poor Quality or Low Concentration DNA samples 1 What Are SNPs? Minor variations in a personâs DNA sequence…

Documents Beta-Thalassemia Jack Doering Corey Allen .

Beta-Thalassemia Jack Doering Corey Allen Cause Mutation…