Documents tagged
Documents 1 GED and Beyond SABES West Tom Mechem, GED State Chief Examiner January 29, 2009.

Slide 1 1 GED and Beyond SABES West Tom Mechem, GED State Chief Examiner January 29, 2009 Slide 2 2 The Handwriting Is On The Wall $27.53/hour 8 out of 10 of the fastest-growing…

Documents Superintendent’s Panel on Excellence in Adult Education.

Superintendentâs Panel on Excellence in Adult Education What Is Adult Education? The Adult Education Program provides access to educational opportunity for out of school…

Documents Welcome To the Grant County Adult Education Center

Welcome To the Grant County Adult Education Center Bill Cosby Comedian, Actor Mary Lou Retton Olympic gold medal gymnast Dave Thomas Founder and owner of Wendyâs Michael…

Documents Understanding GED Students as an Information User Group

Becky Croxton, CPCC Library Services/UNCG MLIS Program John Wicker, CPCC GED/Basic Skills Instructor Purpose of Study To develop a deeper understanding of GED students as…

Documents NRS and MABLE Changes July 1, 2012. 3 new data fields for students Highest Credential Achieved...

NRS and MABLE Changes July 1, 2012 3 new data fields for students Highest Credential Achieved Education Location â U.S. or non U.S. Diploma at Entry? This data is required…

Documents [Library name and information]

[Library name and information] Nontraditional Students Adult Literacy [Library name and information] Learning a Trade [Library name and information] 1 Ammon, Bette. (1996).…

Documents Adult Education Coaches’ Orientation

Coaches' Orientation- PPT Adult Education Coachesâ Orientation KYAE Common Core Standards Professional Development Introductions In one minute or less Your area of…

Documents [Library name and information]

[Library name and information] Nontraditional Students Adult Literacy [Library name and information] Learning a Trade [Library name and information] 1 Ammon, Bette. (1996).…

Documents April Meadowlark

AAlliiccee EE.. MMaatttthheewwss ((AAEEMM)) SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp AApppplliiccaattiioonn FFoorrmm MMaarrllbboorroo MMeeaaddoowwss CCoommmmuunniittyy DDeevveellooppmmeenntt…

Documents GED OPTION 2: The MPS Alternative to Dropping Out Presentation Team Members: Valencia Beckley,...

GED OPTION 2: The MPS Alternative to Dropping Out Presentation Team Members: Valencia Beckley, Kilmer South HS Coordinator Sheryl Knox, WHS-Expeditionary Learning Coordinator…