Documents tagged
Documents Content: This in an introduction to the unit on powers of ten. CSDE Standards: 2.1 Understand that a...

Slide 1Content: This in an introduction to the unit on powers of ten. CSDE Standards: 2.1 Understand that a variety of numerical representations can be used to describe quantitative…

Documents The Solar System. Our tiny corner of Universe is dominated by a star we call the Sun. Trapped in the...

Slide 1The Solar System Slide 2 Our tiny corner of Universe is dominated by a star we call the Sun. Trapped in the gravity of the Sun is a huge family of bodies – planets,…

Documents Reading Fun Pack ? ?. Be a better reader in one hour’s time.

Slide 1 Reading Fun Pack ? ? Slide 2 Be a better reader in one hour’s time Slide 3 SKIMMING SCANNING Slide 4 Cloze PREDICTION Slide 5 There was a young man from Dealing…

Documents NASA NASA is a space organization. It is an agency of the United States government. NASA is...

Slide 1 Slide 2 NASA NASA is a space organization. It is an agency of the United States government. NASA is responsible for the whole worlds space program. It was formed…

Documents Module 3: The Celestial Sphere Activity 2: Tracking the Planets.

Slide 1 Module 3: The Celestial Sphere Activity 2: Tracking the Planets Slide 2 Summary: In this Activity, we will investigate (a) planetary distances, (b) phases of the…

Documents ASTRONOMY. TERMS The Universe: Everything in existence. Created around 15 billion years ago due to.....

ASTRONOMY TERMS The Universe: Everything in existence. Created around 15 billion years ago due to the Big Bang. Approximately 30 billion light years in diameter and expanding…

Documents NATS 1311 - From the Cosmos to Earth Spiral Galaxies Similar to the Milky Way View from above Edge.....

Spiral Galaxies Similar to the Milky Way View from above Edge view NATS 1311 - From the Cosmos to Earth The Milky Way The Sun is located on the Orion spiral arm about 30,000…

Documents The Planets By Ashlee Benway. Objectives You will learn and identify all eight planets in order You....

The Planets The Planets By Ashlee Benway Objectives You will learn and identify all eight planets in order You will learn facts about the eight planets in the Solar System…

Documents The Outer Planets Jupiter and saturn

The Outer Planets The Outer Planets Jupiter and saturn By: Sheralynne, Angela, Brennon Jupiter Jupiter has 50 official moons and 12 unofficial moons. Io, Europa , Ganymede…


The planet Mercury is the closest planet to the Sunwithin the solar system. Mercury was named by the Romans after their god of the same name. Due to its small…