Documents tagged
Documents The Role of Community Forest Enterprises in Poverty Reduction and Conservation: Discourses,...

Open University MSc (Development Management) Programme TU874 Final Report The Role of Community Forest Enterprises in Poverty Reduction and Conservation: Discourses, Contradictions…

Science Ecosystem (Science)

Science Made By: Hana Saad The Ecosystem What is a Ecosystem What or who do you interact with everyday? Living things and nonliving things interact in an ecosystem. An ecosystem…

Environment CIFOR’s contribution to ASFCC: Research Results from 2014-2015

1. CIFOR’s contribution to ASFCC: Research Results from 2014-2015 9th ASFN meeting, Lake Inle, 4-5 June 2015 2. CIFOR’s contribution to ASFCC CIFOR is undertaking research…

Presentations & Public Speaking Mike korchinsky wwc tbli presentation 5.12.2014

1. © 2014 - Wildlife Works Carbon, LLC. Slide 1 The World’s Leading REDD+ Project Development Company Mitigating Climate Change by Protecting Threatened Forests February…

Environment Lessons from implementing tenure reforms in major forested countries

1. Lessons from implementing tenure reforms in major forested countries Megaflorestais April 16 Yucay, Peru Anne Larson and Iliana Monterroso 2. Outline  Some framing…

Documents THINKING beyond the canopy Developing and Monitoring REDD+ Projects: Learning from the first...

Slide 1THINKING beyond the canopy Developing and Monitoring REDD+ Projects: Learning from the first generation of community-based implementations Introduction to the Workshop…

Documents June 8/2006 Detection Conference – Hinton 20061 THERMAL INFRARED PROGRAM HELICOPTER PLATFORMS...

Slide 1June 8/2006 Detection Conference – Hinton 20061 THERMAL INFRARED PROGRAM HELICOPTER PLATFORMS Alberta Perspective Slide 2 June 8/2006 Detection Conference – Hinton…

Documents Environmental Ch 5 ABCD 10 20 30 40. Which of the following statements is not correct? a.Plants and....

Slide 1Environmental Ch 5 ABCD 10 20 30 40 Slide 2 Which of the following statements is not correct? a.Plants and other producers get their energy directly from the sun.…

Documents A Management Plan for Swendsen Farm, Bethlehem, CT February 2004.

Slide 1A Management Plan for Swendsen Farm, Bethlehem, CT February 2004 Slide 2 18901908 1930 18901908 19302003 Slide 3 Swendsen Farm Slide 4 Agriculture Slide 5 Swendsen…

Documents GROUP 4 PROJECT WAYS IN WHICH MUSHROOMS CAN SAVE THE WORLD By-Julie, Lynette, Yuvreet, Simone,...

Slide 1 GROUP 4 PROJECT WAYS IN WHICH MUSHROOMS CAN SAVE THE WORLD By-Julie, Lynette, Yuvreet, Simone, Parita, Monica, Wendy Slide 2 "The time to act is now. Waiting…