Documents tagged
Education Sostro primary school

1. Carrying out the Objectives of Environmental Education in Sostro Primary School and its District Schools: Lipoglav, Besnica, Janče,PrežganjeSOSTRO PRIMARY SCHOOL JANČEDISTRICT…

Education Presentation sostro primary_school2

1. Taking care of the environmentwith younger pupils and pupils atdistrict schoolsACTIVITIES WITHIN “HEALTHY SCHOOL”TAKING CARE OF THE SCHOOL SURROUNDINGSTAKING PART…

Documents By Taylor and Macy. The circle of the flag represents the sun.

Japan Japan By Taylor and Macy. The circle of the flag represents the sun. contents page Weather food transports school clothing Festivals traditions Hi my name is Courtney.…

Documents Japan

Japan Japan By Taylor and Macy. The circle of the flag represents the sun. contents page Weather food transports school clothing Festivals traditions Hi my name is Courtney.…