Documents tagged
Technology Voice recognition

1. Biometrics: Voice RecognitionJustin Eng Coen150 2. Outline of Presentation Introduction to voice biometrics The history of voice recognition and its milestones How voice…

Design Personas Demystified 1.0

1. Understanding 
 Your Users Research: Developing Personas 2. Before We Begin
 We are going to talk about a design led project 
 that will aid in business and engineering…

Business Sc po some-09-astroturfing

1. Social Media: Behind the Scenes2013 week 09 2. ASTROTURFING 3. President Richard M. Nixon had White House staffers write «letters to the editor» to various American…

Documents Sns.gif

Social networking site (@llyP@lly) Presented By Arvind Negi Introduction A social networking site is an online service, platform, that focuses on facilitating the building…

Social Media Virtual Identity Presentation

1. Does Your Online Virtual Identity Reflects Your Character ?? OVI AS AN ASSET … 2. W?? WHAT ? WHO ? WHY ? WHERE ? 3. WHAT ? 4. WHO ? 5. WHY ? 6. WHERE ? 7. What are the…

Social Media Fan Harvest - A Social Media tool

1. Find Your Competitors’ Most Active Customers! / Steal your competitor’s fans. -Dinesh Agarwal & Jay Moran (Founders) PALLAV GROVER AND ASHWINI JOSHI 2. AGENDA…

Documents Fake Biometric

A Survey Based on Fingerprint, Face and Iris Biometric Recognition System, Image Quality Assessment and Fake Biometric Pradnya M. Shende Computer science and Engineering,…

Documents Programmable Virtual Networks

Slide drafts Programmable Virtual Networks From Network Slicing To Network Virtualization Ali Al-Shabibi Open Networking Laboratory Hi! Ia am Ali Al-Shabibi and I work at…