Documents tagged
Education Tpl report may 2011

1. TPL REPORT 25TH MAY 2011Chris, Davina, Rachel and Sandy 2. OUR QUESTIONHow can we as a group of new colleagues build a professional learning community which enables us…

Documents Megan Timme Principal Hamilton Park Pacesetter Magnet.

Presentation Title Here 3D Comes to School Case Study Virtual 3D ~ Stereoscopic 3D Case Study Virtual 3D ~ Stereoscopic 3D Case Study Case Study Megan Timme Principal Hamilton…

Documents Summer 2009 Newsletter

Name: Form: ARNOLD MIDDLE SCHOOL PAGE 11 ARNOLD MIDDLE SCHOOL PAGE 2 DON’T FORGET! Return to school Thursday 3rd September 2009 PAGE 3 Dear Parents/ Carers It was a delight,…

Documents TC 5.3

The Chronicles Latest News 4 When your Dua is answered 6 10 Little Muslims 10 #FightTheFitnah—Dear Muslimah 16 Souk for Syria 20 Naseehah Training 22 Overlook the bitter…