Documents tagged
Documents Catholic Earthcare Australia An Environmental Audit

Catholic Earthcare Australia An Environmental Audit Revised by Wendy Kiley for the CEA website: 2006 Catholic Earthcare Australia has been established by the Australian Bishops…

Documents Finding God in the singing heart of the world Towards a new spirituality of creation.

PowerPoint Presentation Finding God in the singing heart of the world Towards a new spirituality of creation 1. Our growing scientific understanding of the world and the…

Documents The universe unfolds in God, who fills it completely. There is a mystical meaning in every creature,...

PowerPoint Presentation The universe unfolds in God, who fills it completely. There is a mystical meaning in every creature, every aspect of reality. Laudato si, 233 TEACHING…

Documents THE ECOLOGY ENCYCLICAL of Pope Francis An Inspiring Call to Contemplation and Action BEECHWOOD, 20.....

PowerPoint Presentation THE ECOLOGY ENCYCLICAL of Pope Francis An Inspiring Call to Contemplation and Action BEECHWOOD, 20 October 2015 Donal Dorr BACKGROUND âIt is good…

Documents Energy Transition. German Energiewende

Energy Transition The German Energiewende By Craig Morris, Martin Pehnt An initiative of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Released on 28 November 2012…

Documents Towards Environmental Futures

Introduction Context What is the Earth Making Things Better We are one with Creation Restoring Creation The Challenge The Aims The Process Living Sustainably as a Community…

Documents and Our Responsibility To Sustain God’s Earth

and Our Responsibility To Sustain Godâs Earth CLIMATE CHANGE How this presentation came about ⦠In November 2005 I was given the opportunity to attend a conference in…

Documents Introduction Context What is the Earth Making Things Better We are one with Creation Restoring...

Introduction Context What is the Earth Making Things Better We are one with Creation Restoring Creation The Challenge The Aims The Process Living Sustainably as a Community…

Documents John Garratt Publishing August Newsletter

Vo l 1 9 N o 3 A u g u s t 2 0 1 1 • w w w . j o h n g a r r a t t . c o m . a u • P h o n e 1 3 0 0 6 5 0 8 7 8 In my latest book A Modern Credo: Telling the Christ…