Documents Computerized Predictive Model of Distress/Distraction

1. Computerized Predictive Model of Distress/Distraction Ann Marie McCarthy The University of Iowa MNRS, 2009 Pediatric Nursing Preconference NINR1 R01 NR05269-01; Funding…

Documents P.M van Hiele Mathematics Learning Theorist Rebecca Bonk Math 610 Fall 2009.

Slide 1P.M van Hiele Mathematics Learning Theorist Rebecca Bonk Math 610 Fall 2009 Slide 2 Who is P.M van Hiele? Pierre Marie van Hiele, and Dina van Hiele-Geldof, were Dutch…

Documents Sherrie Wolf Painter (Nx Power Lite)

* I have always been a still-life painter. My images openly play with the fact that art is artifice. In recent years, I have arranged objects in front of excerpts from old…