Documents Curing dataheadachesv2 with sugarcrm levementum and talend

1.Curing Your Data Headaches withTalend and SugarCRM ©2010 SugarCRM Inc. All rights reserved.2. AgendaIntroductionTalend Overview and HighlightsTalend Data Integration Drill…

Technology Sugar con 2010

1.Unlocking the Value of Your Customer Data with Talend©Talend 2010 Sugar Con 2010 Parham Parvizi Technical Principal Talend US2. Agenda Process of adopting a new tool &…

Technology Agile Methods for NTU Software Engineers

1.Agile Methods Jolly Tan Andy [email protected] [email protected] Consultant Technical Principal ThoughtWorks ThoughtWorks2. [Aa]gile geeks 3. AGILE:…

Documents 03.egovFrame Runtime Environment Training Book

1. eGovFrame Training BookRuntime EnvironmenteGovFrame Center2012 2. Table of contentsI OverviewIIFoundation LayerIII Persistence LayerIVPresentation Layer Page l 2 3. Runtime…

Technology Voxeo Summit Day 2 - Voxeo CXP - IVR on Steroids

1. Drew Allen Senior Trainer, Voxeo University Voxeo CXP IVR on Steriods 2. CXP makes it easy for you to design, develop, and deploy self service applications in a way that…

Education 2010 03-12 presentation to the market-4_q09_2009

1. Paranapanema´s presentation 4Q09 and 2009 Earnings Released on March 12, 2010 2. Agenda Overview of the Group 03 Restructurings in 2008 and 2009 10 Tax Restructuring16…

Documents McKinsey Telecoms. RECALL No. 19 - Innovation and product development: Growth versus competition

Telecommunications, Media, and Technology RECALL No19 Innovation and product development: Growth versus competition RECALL No19 Innovation and product development: Growth…

News & Politics Midwest IMS RUG 09_2013 - IBM DB2 QMF 10 Family Overview and IMS JDBC.ppt

1. Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America QMF Workstation for IMS Access © 2012 IBM Corporation Ken Blackman, IBM 2. Advanced Technical Skills (ATS) North America…

Technology Introduction to DaVinci

1. Introduction to DaVinci Platform and Service Leader 1 2. 1.DaVinci Designer Framework2.WYSIWYG-type Authoring Environment3.Drag & Drop UI Layout Configuration4.Resource…

Technology Dynamics CRM and SharePoint data synchronization by Connecting Software

1. SharePoint and Dynamics CRM Data Synchronization 2. Do you want seamless integration of SharePoint and Dynamics CRM? Thanks to the Connect Bridge is the integration between…