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Documents Power Point Slides

1.   2. Introduction Instructor and student introductions Module overview 3. Student Introductions Your name Expectations, questions, and concerns about borrowing money…

Documents Borrowing Basics 1. 2 Introduction Instructor and student introductions Module overview.

Slide 1 Borrowing Basics 1 Slide 2 2 Introduction Instructor and student introductions Module overview Slide 3 Borrowing Basics 3 Student Introductions Your name Expectations,…

Documents Borrowing Basics 1. 2 Purpose Borrowing Basics: Describes how credit works and the types of credit.....

Slide 1 Borrowing Basics 1 Slide 2 2 Purpose Borrowing Basics: Describes how credit works and the types of credit available. Helps you determine if you are ready to apply…