Documents tagged
Documents © 2002 Dresdner Kleinwort Wassertstein and Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved | 1 |...

Slide 1 © 2002 Dresdner Kleinwort Wassertstein and Cap Gemini Ernst & Young - All rights reserved | 1 | IDATE Conference IP Services and Voice over IP IP Services in…

Documents Part 3: What data is Perple_X actually using? Crust to Core workshop: An introduction to Perple_X.

Slide 1 Part 3: What data is Perple_X actually using? Crust to Core workshop: An introduction to Perple_X Slide 2 What does T’Calc do? Perple_X finds an optimum set of…

Documents Part 3: What data is Perple_X actually using?

Part 3: What data is Perple_X actually using? Crust to Core workshop: An introduction to Perple_X What does T’Calc do? Perple_X finds an optimum set of pseudo-compounds…