Documents tagged
Documents HiperGeo & HiperGps: locative media hands on

1 Guide to Creating Guided GPS Media Tours with HiperGeo and HiperGps Production Tools including deployment example Brett Stalbaum & Cicero Silva © 2009 under the terms…

Marketing TV 2020 – Five years that will change TV like never before

1. Christophe Rufin Orange Director – OTT TV Ecosystem [email protected] Twitter: @christopherufin Royal College of Physicians, London June 11th & 12th 2014…

Documents Nokia Mobile VPN Administrators Guide

User’s Guide Nokia Mobile VPN Client 4.0 Admin’s Guide Nokia Mobile VPN Client for Symbian devices October 2010 1 Nokia for Business Nokia Mobile VPN Client Administrator’s…

Documents [Manual] SHR 1041K

4 Channel DVR User Manual SHR-1041/ 1041K imagine the possibilities Thanks you for purchasing this Samsung product. To receive a more complete service, please register your…

Technology Verizon LBS Developers

1. Verizon LBS Developers Kris Kolodziej Associate Director – LBS Verizon Wireless 2. LBS Market Challenges Technical: Device/OS fragmentation Different…

Technology USB 3.0

1. Universal Serial Bus 3.0 INFINITE POSSIBILITIES! 2. What is USB? 3. What is USB? USB stands for Universal Serial Bus Provides an expandable, fast, bi-directional, low…

Design Social/Geo/Real-Time/Mobile - The new quadrant

1. mobile monday - 7dec Raphaël Briner CEO HyperWeek 2. Good time to.. create new apps for new services 3. web versus mobile ? • A bit more complicated... 4. whatʼs your…

Business Making a social media platform accessible from PC and Mobile

1. mobile monday - 7dec Raphaël Briner CEO HyperWeek 2. Good time to.. create new apps for new services 3. web versus mobile ? • A bit more complicated... 4. whatʼs your…

Business 9 Reasons why manufacturers should sell online and how to avoid channel conflict

1. Manufacturer-driven E-CommerceSolving channel conflict 2. The problem: Channel Conflict Many manufacturers want their brands to capture the power of the internet and sell…

Business Opera Mobile Advertising — November 2013

1. Opera Mobile Advertising November 2013 2. Opera mobile user base in 2013180B+Page views from Opera mobile browsers260M+ Consumers use Opera mobile browsers 3. Growing…