Documents tagged
Technology Amazon Web Service par Bertrand Lehurt - 11 mars 2014

1. 2014-05-14 Bertrand Lehurt 1 2. 2014-05-14 Introduction à Amazon Web Services 2 Suppression en amont des investissements d'infrastructure Surface des locaux, hardware,…

Technology MongoDB and Play! Framework workshop

1. Startup tech arsenal! João Vazão Vasques 2. ABOUT ME @JoaoVasques @JoaoVasques joao.l.v.vasques [email protected] 3. AGENDA 4. PART I - MongoDB 5. MongoDB topics ●…

Documents Mark Smith & Denise Paolucci Dreamwidth Studios Build Your Own Contributors, One Part At A Time...

Slide 1Mark Smith & Denise Paolucci Dreamwidth Studios Build Your Own Contributors, One Part At A Time Licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 CC-BY-SA…

Documents Propositions of The Mythical Man-Month: True or False? Are The Topics Proposed in 1975 Still Valid?

Slide 1Propositions of The Mythical Man-Month: True or False? Are The Topics Proposed in 1975 Still Valid? Slide 2 Look back on the Topics from 1975 in 1995 to see if they…

Technology Facebook Apps Development 101 (Java)

1.Facebook Apps Dev 101Damon Widjaja2. Facebook Apps BasicIntegrate web applications with core Facebook ExperienceExample: getting user information and posting to wallBenefit?…

Technology Zero Turnaround in Java

1.Zero Turnaround in JavaWatching the logs roll by…Jevgeni KabanovFounder of ZeroTurnaroundAranea and Squill Project Co-FounderSpeaker, Scientist, Engineer, Entrepreneur,…2.…

Technology Evolutionary Design Solid

1.Agile Evolutionary Design & SOLID Principles 2. Introduction ● Typical Design Process ● Agile Design Process ● SOLID principles ● And coding time :) ● Questions…

Technology Practical TDD Demonstrated

1.Agile Professionals Network Christchurch Alan Christensen Thanks to our sponsors… Practical TDD Demonstrated 2. Preamble • Who am I? • MyTDD journey 3. Overview •…

Technology Data Science with R for Java developers

1.Data Science With R ~ for ~ Java Developers @Sander_Mak 2. Agenda Data Science The R language Gimme some Java! 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3. 90% of the world’s data was…

Technology Developer Survival Guide for SAP TechEd Las Vegas 2013

1.Developer Survival Guide Las Vegas October 21-25, 2013 Don’t Just Survive. Thrive at TechEd! 2. The fact that technology is always changing. The best developers need…