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Documents Adv Software Engineering Lect3

Advance Software Engineering Software Design • Software design deals with transforming the customer requirements, as described in the SRS document, into a form (a set of…

Technology Inheritance and Polymorphism

1. Inheritance and Polymorphism Object-Oriented Programming in Java 2. Contents Inheritance in Java Inheriting Classes ThesuperReference Overriding Methods Polymorphism TheinstanceofOperator…

Documents Placement Information System

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Problem Definition The PLACEMENT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project is developing an online application for the Placement Dept. of the college. This…

Software 2CPP05 - Modelling an Object Oriented Program

1. MODELING AN OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAM Michael Heron 2. Introduction • In this lecture we are going to take a little detour into the world of UML. • A small detour, to…

Software CPP14 - Encapsulation

1. Encapsulation Michael Heron 2. Introduction • One of the things that distinguishes object orientation from other kinds of programming is the tight coupling between functions…

Software PATTERNS01 - An Introduction to Design Patterns

1. Introduction to Patterns Michael Heron 2. Introduction  In the beginning there was the code.  And the code was without form.  And programmers said  Let there…

Documents Airways Reservation System - DFD

Submitted By: Vishaldeep Singh Section: A1811 Roll No. : B15 Reg. No.: 10802706 Sub. Code: CSE 364 Problem Design an Airways Reservation System with cancelling facility.…

Documents Privacy and Integrity Presrving Range Queries in Sensor Networks documentation

B.C.Sangeetha Privacy and Integrity preserving Range queries in Sensor Networks 1 INTRODUCTION Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been widely deployed for various applications,…

Technology Analysis

1. Object Oriented Analysis & Design 2. Contents Why OOA/OOD The Software life cycle Detailed example following an example from“Patterns in Java”byMark Grand 3. Why…

Documents Use Case Sequence Diagram Tutorial

Use Case and Sequence Diagram Tutorial 1 Use Case and Sequence Diagram Tutorial ATM Example: Customer Initiated Use Cases (Cash Deposit into Checking) Actors Primary Secondary…