Documents tagged
Documents Outline

Outline 1) List of EU projects 2) Composition of research teams 3) Financial support 4) Administration of the projects 4) Personality of project officer 5) Negotiation step…

Documents Atom Resolved Surface Reactions. Nanocatalysis

Atom Resolved Surface Reactions Nanocatalysis RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Series Editors Professor Paul O’Brien, University of Manchester, UK Professor Sir Harry…

Documents Lab-on-a-chip_06-2013_150dpi

© D es ig n: J EN co nc ep t K G / w w w. je nc on ce pt .d e Lab-on-a-Chip Catalogue 06/2013 Lab-on-a-Chip Catalogue microfluidic ChipShop m ic ro fl u id ic C h ip Sh…

Documents Chemistry Catalog

Contents Analytical Chemistry ..............................................3 Biochemistry ..........................................................5 Chemical Engineering…

Documents Outline 1) List of EU projects 2) Composition of research teams 3) Financial support 4)...

Outline 1) List of EU projects 2) Composition of research teams 3) Financial support 4) Administration of the projects 4) Personality of project officer 5) Negotiation step…