Documents tagged
Documents Brochure HEC MSc. International Finance

intErnational FinanCE mAsters progrAms 2012 (FULL time ms/msc) The financial crisis has taught us many lessons. Now more than ever, finance is a field which requires passion…

Technology Tweeting For Business

1. Tweeting for Business Twitter Tactics for your Company 2. What Is Twitter? Public instant messaging A way to talk about what you’re doing ‘right now’ – publicly,…

Education Ip provider life cycle bangalore

1. Is There a Business Track? IP Provider Life Cycle Patent Cabinet GrisDesign and Reuse Yvon Gris Gabriele Saucier Luc Saucier 2. Outline Introduction…

Documents Dr. Yu Xiong CEng, FRSA Director, China Management Research institute Executive Chair, China...

Slide 1Dr. Yu Xiong CEng, FRSA Director, China Management Research institute Executive Chair, China Innovation and Development Association 20 th Oct 2011, London Slide 2…

Technology MongoDB & Hadoop, Sittin' in a Tree

1.K Young - CEO, MortarMongoDB + Hadoopsittin’ in a tree2. OF THIS SESSIONOverviewSuper-fast intro to Hadoop, PigWhy MongoDB + Pig?Demo: Move data MongoDB PigDemo:…

Technology Quocirca & Networks First, Don't Forget the Network

1. Don’t forget the NetworkHow to manage your organisation’s constantlyevolving IT network requirementssponsored by Networks First – www.networksfirst.comBob TarzeyClive…

Technology Basic Replication in MongoDB

1. Internal Tools, 10genJ. Randall Hunt#MongoDBDaysIntroduction to Replicationand Replica Sets 2. Agenda• Replica Sets Lifecycle• Developing with Replica Sets• Operational…

Technology Replication and replica sets

1. Internal Tools, 10genJ. Randall Hunt#MongoDBDaysIntroduction to Replicationand Replica Sets 2. Agenda• Replica Sets Lifecycle• Developing with Replica Sets• Operational…

Technology #MOOCGdP – 15 - design and implementation of a project-based mooc eadtu 25-10-2013

1. Design and implementation of a project-based MOOC EADTU 2013 Rémi Bachelet Ecole Centrale de Lille Paris oct 25, 2013 2. 1. #MOOCGdP – From first to second edition2.…

Software Choose Boring Technology

1. Hey 2. I’m Dan McKinley. That’s me in the hole. It’s a metaphor. 3. I work for a company called Stripe. Before that, I was an early employee at Etsy, where I worked…