Documents tagged
Technology ISM APAC TechTalk - WebRTC - Dimuthu Nilanka

1. WebRTC ISM APAC TechTalk Dimuthu Nilanka Software Developer ISM APAC 2. What is WebRTC? 3. WebRTC … • Stands for Web Real-Time Communication • It is an API definition…

Documents SPDY @Zynga

1. Agenda● Motivation & Background● What is SPDY?● Whos Using SPDY?● SPDY and Mobile● SPDY and REST APIs● Standardization 2. Motivation Latency & Security…

Documents © GfK 2013 | DDMM Introductie | 12 november 20131 1.

Dia 1 © GfK 2013 | DDMM Introductie | 12 november 20131 1 Dia 2 2 GfK expertise bijeengebracht •Panel experts •Technologische experts (digital measurement solutions)…

Business Technology For Personal Efficiency - HADRI Sales And Marketing Conference 2015

presents presented by Technology for Personal Efficiency Brian Bluff President & Co-Founder, Site-Seeker, Inc. !"#$%&'()*%+,-.&/%$%.&%&')0)1"2+%'"+#$%.&)3%4$+%56$.+4)7&$"+$%.…

Education Internet Basics

1. Internet Basics 1 Amarillo Independent School District Elizabeth Banda 2. What is the Internet?  A network of many different computers communicating with each other…

Documents Big Data Open Source Software and Projects ABDS in Summary XIV: Layer 11C Data Science Curriculum...

Slide 1 Big Data Open Source Software and Projects ABDS in Summary XIV: Layer 11C Data Science Curriculum March 5 2015 Geoffrey Fox [email protected]…

Documents Audio Conference (IT Section) 04/09/2013 & 05/09/2013

A software tool to find out the Best Plan was launched in the CSC Portal on 08-07-2013. It was observed by CGMT during his inspection that most of the CSCs are not utilising…

Documents A software tool to find out the Best Plan was launched in the CSC Portal on 08-07-2013. It was...

Slide 1 Slide 2  A software tool to find out the Best Plan was launched in the CSC Portal on 08-07-2013.  It was observed by CGMT during his inspection that most of…