Spiritual Acts 13a church leadership

1. blaine bowman and HIS goodtime band will be leading worship at Gospel Baptist Tabernacle781 Salem Road, Rossville GA 30741Sunday night, February 12, 2012…

Spiritual 1 john 4d Love is the key to obedience.

1. God's Idea of a Good Time Friday, January 7, 2011 7:00 P.M. 2. 1 John 417-18Herein is our love made perfect, that we…

Spiritual Romans 4b Abraham is spiritual father of believers

1. Abraham,physicalfather of the Jews,is thespiritual father of all men and womenwho place ourfaithinGodthroughJesus Christ . 2. Romans 411And he{Abe}received the sign of…

Spiritual Ruth 2c Kinsman-Redeemer

1. Boaz for Ruth Jesus for all of mankind Boaz for Ruth 2. Ruth went to a field belonging to Boaz torequest the rightto gather grain from thecornersof the field, and to gather…

Spiritual Genesis ch 1, #1a, 2012, intro, why study gen., gen. & rev., torah, toledot, documentary...

1. The Book of BeginningGENESIS 2. ALPHA AND OMEGA Some ask ―Why do you study Genesis &Revelation?‖ Rev 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," saysthe…

Spiritual Romans 11c God wants to save you from sin and from hell

1. 781 Salem Road, Rossville, GA 30741 2. Romans 11:19-20Thou wilt say then, The branches[Jews] were broken off, that I(Gentiles)might be graffed…

Spiritual Romans 8c Joy Unspeakable

1. Livinglifeto the full January 9, 2011 2. Romans 81There istherefore now no condemnationto them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.2For…

Spiritual Romans 8e The Love of God is forever

1. Faith in Jesus Christwill saveany man or womanfromsin and from hell,AndforHeaven; eternity with God. 1-23-11 2. Romans 8:24For we are saved by hope :but hope thatis seen…

Spiritual Acts 18d different people can reach different people

1. Stone Creek You areWelcomewww.rossvillechurch.com781 Salem Road, Rossville, GA 30741 July 4, 20121 2. July 29, 2012Four by Grace will be We will eat together atsinging…

Spiritual Acts 18a moving on

1. Stone Creek www.rossvillechurch.com781 Salem Road, Rossville, GA 3074116-20-12 2. Having had very little success in Athens, Paul moved on.If one wont hear, another will.Move…