Documents tagged
Documents Status on SuperB effort Frascati, March 16, 2006 P. Raimondi.

Status on SuperB effort Frascati, March 16, 2006 P. Raimondi Outline Basic Concepts (March-Sept,2005) Parameters and layout optimization based on a High-Disrupted regime…

Documents Collective effects

Slide 1 Collective effects Erik Adli, University of Oslo, August 2015, [email protected], v2.12 Introduction Particle accelerators are continuously being pushed to new…

Documents ILC BDS Collimation Optimisation and PLACET simulations Adina Toader

ILC BDS Collimation Optimisation and PLACET simulations Adina Toader School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester & Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury Laboratory…

Documents Hadronic results from KLOE E. Santovetti (INFN – Roma II) for the KLOE Collaboration European...

Hadronic results from KLOE E. Santovetti (INFN – Roma II) for the KLOE Collaboration European Physical Society International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics…

Documents LHC Performance Target

Performance optimization for the LHC * Event pileup & e-cloud 2nd HL-LHC General Meeting 13-14 November 2012 Oliver Brüning BE-ABP CERN Potential Performance Limitations…

Documents Vertex, Track Reconstruction & Luminosity Monitoring at LHCb

Vertex, Track Reconstruction & Luminosity Monitoring at LHCb Jianchun Wang Syracuse University Vertex 2007, Sept 23-28, 2007, Lake Placid, NY Outline The tracking detectors…

Documents Beam-Beam effects in MeRHIC and eRHIC

Beam-Beam effects in MeRHIC and eRHIC Beam-Beam effects in MeRHIC and eRHIC Yue Hao Collider-Accelerator Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Jan 10, 2009 EIC Meeting…

Documents EM background tests of IP feedback hardware

EM background tests of IP feedback hardware Christine Clarke Oxford University 24th September 2007 Oxford (P. Burrows, C. Perry, G. Christian, T. Hartin, H. Dabiri Khah,…

Documents Beam-beam studies for Super KEKB

Beam-beam studies for Super KEKB K. Ohmi & M Tawada (KEK) Super B factories workshop in Hawaii 20-23 Apr. 2005 Luminosity limit Fundamental limit due to the beam-beam…

Documents Status on SuperB effort

Status on SuperB effort Frascati, March 16, 2006 P. Raimondi Outline Basic Concepts (March-Sept,2005) Parameters and layout optimization based on a High-Disrupted regime…