Documents tagged
Documents Incommensurability Final

Salvaging Incommensurability Syed A. Sayeed I The manner and the extent to which a phenomenon—I am not referring to the structure of a phenomenon but the phenomenon itself—is…

Documents Simple HTML Ontology Extensions Ahmet Selman Bozkır Hacettepe University Computer Eng. Dept.

Slide 1Simple HTML Ontology Extensions Ahmet Selman Bozkır Hacettepe University Computer Eng. Dept. Slide 2 Contents Whats SHOE? What SHOE Isn't... Specifications Base…

Education Curriculum data enrichment with ontologies

1. Institut Mines-Télécom Curriculum data enrichment with ontologies Mahdi Gueffaz, Jirasri Deslis and Jean-Claude Moissinac 03 June 2014 WIMS 2014 WIMS 2014 4th International…

Documents J-P. Fauconnier, J. Roumier. Musonto - A Semantic Search Engine Dedicated to Music and Musicians

1. Music Linked Data Workshop @ London | 12 May 2011 Semantic Search EngineDedicated to Music & Musicians Jean-Philippe Fauconnier Joseph Roumier Fabrice EstiévenartMusic…

Documents Protégé Classes, Properties and Instances Susana R. de Novoa UNIK4710.

Slide 1 Protégé Classes, Properties and Instances Susana R. de Novoa UNIK4710 Slide 2 2 Protégé Tutorial : Overview Session 1: Basic Concepts Session 2: Tutorial Scenario…

Documents Controlled Language for Ontology Editing Adam Funk, Valentin Tablan, Kalina Bontcheva, Hamish...

Slide 1 Controlled Language for Ontology Editing Adam Funk, Valentin Tablan, Kalina Bontcheva, Hamish Cunningham, Brian Davis, Siegfried Handschuh Slide 2 University of Sheffield…

Documents Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics

Foundations of Physics, VoL 12, No. 4, 1982 Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics 1 Henry P. Stapp 2 Received May 20, 1981 A theory of psychophysieal phenomena & proposed.…