Documents tagged
Documents Data Mining Query Languages

Data Mining Query Languages Why??Data mining query language(need of) Three Different Answers DMQL: A Data Mining Query Language for Relational Databases (Han et al, Simon…

Documents A Gentle Introduction to Microsoft SSAS

1. Analysis Services Overview Part of the Business Intelligence Development Studio • Included with the SQL Server License • Special version of Visual Studio • Microsoft’s…

Documents SNOMED Core Structures 2 nd AAHA Software Vendors Summit – April 21, 2009.

Slide 1SNOMED Core Structures 2 nd AAHA Software Vendors Summit – April 21, 2009 Slide 2 Terminology of Terminology Concept embodiment of a particular meaning Really a…

Technology Enhanced xml validation using srml01

1.International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT) Vol.4, No.4, October 2013ENHANCED XML VALIDATION USING SRML Miklós Kálmán1 and Ferenc Havasi1 Department…

Education The olap tutorial 2012

1. Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) Stockholm University (SU) THE OLAP TUTORIAL - AN INTRODUCTION TO THE MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2012 ANALYSIS SERVICES IS5…

Documents SSAS T-2

1.  What is the difference between SSAS 2005 and SSAS2008? 2. In 2005 its not possible to create an empty cube but in 2008 we can create an empty cube. 3. A new feature…

Documents Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading) Mapping Science: Lecture...

Slide 1 Introduction to Mapping Sciences: Lecture #1 (Introduction and Map Reading) Mapping Science: Lecture 1 What are maps? Cartographic basics A Brief History of Maps…

Documents Collaborative Feature Modeling: An Extendable Voting-Based Approach with Divergence Tolerance and...

Slide 1Collaborative Feature Modeling: An Extendable Voting-Based Approach with Divergence Tolerance and Consensus Facilitation Li Yi 2010.05.04 Slide 2 Agenda Background…

Documents GIS IS NOT CARTOGRAPHY. CARTOGRAPHIC BASICS Maps perform two important functions: S Storage medium.....

Slide 1 GIS IS NOT CARTOGRAPHY Slide 2 CARTOGRAPHIC BASICS Maps perform two important functions: S Storage medium for information that humanity needs S Provides a picture…

Documents 12 February 2014 ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK WORKSHOPS Luke Machowski.

Slide 1 12 February 2014 ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK WORKSHOPS Luke Machowski Slide 2 A Division of The Cyest Corporation Confidential – All rights reserved to The Cyest Corporation…