Documents tagged
Technology Frank henry digital rural futures conf june 2013 v3

1. Crop Disease App Frank Henry and Chris Sounness DEPI, Horsham Victoria 2. How did we get from an old phone to a Smartphone? May 2011 3. What captured our imagination?…

Economy & Finance UK City deals & sustainable cities report

1. City Deals and sustainable citiesSummer 2012 2. IntroductionIn this paper we look back at someof the key themes in our SustainableCities report and look forward to thelandscape…

Education theBounce - Competency-based, Curriculum by the Business Learning Institute

1. theBOUNCE Maximizing Career Trajectories Guide to 2. Prepared by Tom Hood, CPA, CITP, CGMA CEO, Business Learning Institute 3. = ≥ 2 Tom Hood, CPA,…

Documents © Velocix 2009. All Rights Reserved.1 P2P and Content Distribution 2 nd Annual P2P Media Summit Las...

Slide 1© Velocix 2009. All Rights Reserved.1 P2P and Content Distribution 2 nd Annual P2P Media Summit Las Vegas 7 January 2009 David Ferguson, Chief Architect Slide 2 ©…

Documents ? Design/Build What do consultants think?. A piece of the puzzle D/B/O/FD/B/BC/M D/B/ODesign/BuildPM...

Slide 1? Design/Build What do consultants think? Slide 2 A piece of the puzzle D/B/O/FD/B/BC/M D/B/ODesign/BuildPM D/B/O/MOthers Slide 3 ACEC Support Member of coalition…

Documents IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Radiation Protection in Digital Radiology Optimisation in CR...

Slide 1IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Radiation Protection in Digital Radiology Optimisation in CR & DR L03 Slide 2 IAEA 2 Educational Objectives Provide rationale…

Documents 1 Module 5.2 Responding to an RFx Design. Build. Ship. Service. Linnea Montgomery February 5, 2009.

Slide 11 Module 5.2 Responding to an RFx Design. Build. Ship. Service. Linnea Montgomery February 5, 2009 Slide 2 2 Module 5.2 Responding to an RFx Use this procedure as…

News & Politics Norfolk’s Rural Challenge

1. Norfolk’s Rural Challenge 2. Norfolk RCC’s role Community Support Rural Advocacy no-one is “seriously disadvantaged because of where they live.” Developing Solutions…

Technology Analysis of techniques leading to radical reduction in project cycle time

1. Analysis of Techniques Leading to Radical Reduction inProject Cycle TimeMakarand Hastak1; Sanjiv Gokhale2; Kartik Goyani3; Taehoon Hong, A.M.ASCE4; and Bhavin Safi5Abstract:…

Education AdvaMed Summit

1. Selecting the AppropriateTraining Approach: Delivery Decision-Making By Karl M. Kapp, Ed.D., CFPIM, CIRM Professor, Instructional TechnologyBloomsburg University 2. What…